Sunday, 17 August 2014

Simple Boiler Checks You Should Make during the Winter Months

With summer rolling on and another British winter just around the corner, boilers are going to have to take the strain. There is nothing worse than having to put up with a broken boiler in the winter. What you can do is make sure you have plumbing services in Glasgow at your disposal to make sure you are ready for anything.

In the meantime, there are a number of checks you can carry out to make sure you do not have to spend the time and the effort calling in a team of professional boiler installers.

Check the Heating on a Regular Basis

If you always keep your boiler on zero during low temperatures, this could cause a lot of damage to the boiler. It makes it harder to warm up because it has to do more to bring the cold pipes to the right temperature. You should check your heating regularly to make sure it can still warm up and down again.

Doing this will decrease the chances of it freezing up and breaking down. Ideally, it should always be kept at a low temperature when you are in the house.

Is the Boiler On?

It sounds incredibly patronising to ask this question, but the fact is it is more common than you think. If it is off or the gas/electricity supply has stopped working, the boiler will not work because you have not given it the chance to. Look to see if your energy supply is up and running. If it is, now check the pilot light. The pilot light should be on, assuming you have a pilot light in the first place.

In the event the pilot light has gone off, reset the boiler manually. You can do this without breaching your insurance policy or calling out an engineer.

Check the Boiler Instructions

Always check your boiler’s instructions before doing anything to it. You want to make sure that you have not inadvertently done something wrong. Furthermore, if you are carrying out any simple manual repairs by yourself this manual can help you understand what you should and should not do. The instructions given will not invalidate your insurance policy.

The Pressure Levels

Combi boilers often fall victim to low pressure levels during the winter months. This can stop them from working. If the boiler has stopped, check the pressure dial and the pipes for any signs of a leak. If there are no leaks, you can increase the pressure in the system by turning the valve handle.

Before you do this, always switch the boiler off and read the manual first. Increasing the pressure in a closed system like this can lead to explosions. This is why we often recommend sending for the plumbers when carrying out these repairs.

Overall, a problem with your boiler does not have to mean a big repair bill. Many issues can be solved by carrying out the four simple checks listed above. The important thing is to not panic. Most problems can be resolved in the matter of an hour.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Should You Ever Attempt to Fix a Home Boiler Yourself?

Most home boilers will breakdown eventually. It is rare for someone to never have a problem with a boiler before they replace it. If you have not experienced these problems before, it can be intimidating and scary to realise something is wrong. Even going through the process of bringing in boiler installers can be a nerve-wracking time.

In this article, with the help of, we are going to delve into the issue of whether you should ever attempt to fix your boiler alone.

What is the Problem?

The first step to this process is finding out what is wrong with the boiler. There is no reason why you cannot carry out some initial checks on your boiler by yourself. In fact, this can save time because you will be able to provide this vital information to an engineer, should you have to call one out.

Anyone can conduct limited checks. For example, if you are noticing water pooling near the boiler you could find out where the link is coming from. There are many guides online to help you diagnose visible symptoms.

Once you have found the problem, you have to decide what you are going to do next.

When to Fix Yourself

You can fix your boiler yourself if the problem is a matter of flicking a switch or turning a lever. There are many guides online that will help you solve common problems. This can prevent you from having to call out an engineer.

For Everything Else…

Most repairs should never be done by someone who is unqualified and inexperienced. If you have to start ripping out the pipes and replacing parts, it is time to call an engineer. More often than not, you are only going to make the problem worse.

Furthermore, it is not just the problems you can see that could cause problems. You may discover other problems you did not see before. Do you know how to fix these additional problems? Only an engineer knows how to react in the right way.

Dangers of Carrying Out Repair Work Alone

There is a reason why you should always look to boiler repairs in Glasgow whenever there is a problem that requires you to start exposing the innards of your boiler. The chances are you are going to make the job a lot more complex. One wrong move and a relatively simple problem could turn into a huge project leading to thousands in repairs.

Another reason why you should never carry out repairs alone is it is dangerous. Boilers have hot oil and water inside them. These fluids, even when the boiler is off, can cause a lot of damage if you are exposed to them.

Finally, you have to take into account the insurance aspects. Many insurance companies have special clauses that state your policy is automatically invalidated if the boiler is serviced by anyone other than a qualified professional. If you tamper with the boiler first and it needs replacing, your insurance policy then will not cover it.

Can you afford a brand new boiler by yourself right now?

How to Make Sure Your Gas Boiler is Safe

Gas boilers pose a number of threats to human health, as any plumber in Glasgow will tell you. What you need to know is how to keep your boiler safe. The biggest threat to you is the silent killer known as carbon monoxide. Gas boilers that have not undergone proper maintenance are at risk of releasing carbon monoxide into the air, which can lead to death.

In this article, we have worked with the professionals from to give you a comprehensive guide on how to go about keeping your gas boiler safe.

What are the Main Risks?

A central heating system running on gas can pose a major safety risk to your home and anyone in it. Faulty boilers or boilers where the flues are leaky or blocked can release carbon monoxide.

The problem with carbon monoxide is you cannot taste it in the air and it does not smell of anything. This is why it is important to have carbon monoxide detectors installed in any home with a gas central heating system. It may just save your life.

How Can I Detect Carbon Monoxide?

Okay, we have already spoken about how carbon monoxide detectors are essential, but there are other ways to find out if carbon monoxide is present. Let us look at some of the most common risk factors for carbon monoxide:

1. the gas flame should be burning blue – if it’s yellow or orange, your boiler is faulty
2. you can see sooty stains on applications burning the fuel
3. your appliances are struggling to maintain their temperatures
4. fires are hard to light
5. the chimney or flue is blocked.

Take note, these symptoms could indicate entirely different problems, but they are warning signs telling you to act.

What to Do in the Event of Damage

Act immediately if you suspect there is a chance you have a carbon monoxide leak. Most plumbers in Glasgow have a service where you can call them out completely free of charge. This is because a carbon monoxide outbreak does not just damage your household. It could damage your whole street, and even lead to explosions.

Keeping Your Boiler Safe

Conduct annual maintenance on your boiler. By law, any boilers have to be inspected each year by a gas engineer possessing a Gas Safety Inspection Certificate (CP12).

You should also make sure you are dealing only with professionals. Whenever you work with a plumber, ensure that they have a strong history of carrying out repairs in a manner that is both safe and efficient.

If your boiler is older than fifteen years, you should think about replacing it. Older boilers are far more likely to be faulty. Furthermore, you could actually save money by replacing your boiler because newer boilers on the market are more efficient.

Overall, you should never take the potential for carbon monoxide exposure lightly. If you have even an inkling that something is wrong, act immediately. It does not matter if it turns out nothing is wrong because you know you’ve done your part to keep yourself and your family safe.

Friday, 15 August 2014

How Should You Take Care Of Your Boiler In The Summer?

Boilers are not exactly the first consideration on our lists during the summer. Most households will turn the boiler off, forget it exists, and then look to switch it on again when autumn arrives. Unfortunately, many boilers do not play ball and a call to plumbing services in Glasgow is not far away.

You would not expect to leave your car idling in the driveway for three months and expect it to work as if nothing happened. The same thing applies to your boiler. If you are not interested in calling someone out to help with your boiler repairs in Glasgow, read this article to find out more about summer maintenance.

Tick the Central Heating Over

Even if it is roasting outside, always turn your central heating on for about ten minutes every month. This will make sure all the parts remain in good working order for when you really need them. There is always a risk of components seizing up when left to fester for an extended period.

Another reason to put the central heating on is to remove any grit that has made its way into the system. Grit build-ups are one of the main causes of boiler problems come the winter.

The Pressure
Boilers will lose pressure when they are not used. If your boiler’s pressure falls below 1-1.5 bars, you have a problem. If the boiler is still cold, turn the water valves to make sure the pressure gets back within this range.

It is not a difficult maintenance task to carry out. Your instruction manual for the boiler will tell you how to do this. It will not invalidate your insurance policy if you do it yourself, so there is no need to call out a professional.

In the event the pressure is too high, this is when you need to call a professional. Fiddling around with a system with high-pressure levels is incredibly dangerous and can be hazardous to human health.

What about the CO?

CO stands for carbon monoxide and it is the silent killer. It is estimated 50 people per year are killed through carbon monoxide exposure from faulty heating appliances. You cannot see, taste, or smell this dangerous gas. The only way you can detect it is through a carbon monoxide alarm close to the boiler. It will go off when carbon monoxide levels rise to an unsafe level.

This is especially important in the summer when boilers are more likely to breakdown. Since we do not consider our boilers in the summer, carbon monoxide can leak out without our knowledge. This is why many of these deaths occur during the summer.

What about Professional Maintenance?

It is always wise to schedule an annual maintenance call either during the summer or just before the summer. Your boiler goes through a lot of continuous usage throughout the winter. By having professional plumbers in Glasgow give you the ‘okay’, you can go into the summer with confidence knowing your boiler is in tiptop condition.

Depending on your plan with your energy provider, this might be something you have access to completely free of charge.

5 Tips for Winter Boiler Maintenance You May Not Have Thought Of

Boiler maintenance becomes ever more crucial in the winter, and that is not just because you happen to be using it. On the contrary, this is the time were pipes become damaged and the whole system can be broken down in a matter of days. There are ways you can prevent your system from going down.

Here are some useful tips for making sure you do not have to order a plumber in Glasgow to fix your boiler in the dead of winter.

1. Bleeding the Radiators

Many plumbers in Glasgow find themselves being called out to people’s homes for boiler problems when the only real problem is the fact they have not bled the radiators. If you can feel a cold patch on the radiator, trapped air has blocked the system. Anyone can bleed a radiator and it does not need the help of a professional.

Only if you bleed the radiator and the cold patches remain do you need to call someone in. This could be an indication that you require a chemical flush to remove any sludge that has blocked up the pipes.

2. Insulate the Condensate Pipe

If you have a condensate pipe that carries away the condensation, there is a good chance the winter months are going to lead to problems. The problem is the cold weather can freeze the condensation inside, which can lead to blockages. It can lead to holes and cracking within the pipes.

It does not take much to solve this problem. Wrap the pipes in lagging. This can be picked up at most DIY stores. Simply wrap it around the pipe and you have some homemade insulation.

3. Thaw the Condensate Pipe

If insulating the condensate pipe is beyond you, you now need to consider whether to thaw the pipe yourself or call in plumbing services in Glasgow. Although the process is relatively simple, if you get it wrong it can cause a lot of damage, which may require the complete replacement of the condensate pipe.

You can place a hot water bottle on the pipe or pour some relatively warm water over the pipe slowly. However you thaw the pipe, it is a matter of simply gradually increasing the temperature until the ice melts.

4. Consider a Replacement

Older boilers are most at risk during the winter months. The majority of boilers have a lifespan of between twelve and fifteen years. If your boiler is in this age range, consider whether it is worth keeping. Sometimes, spending the money now to replace your boiler saves you money on costly repairs later on.

5. Know When to Call in the Professionals

Most of us will try to solve boiler problems ourselves before we start to look towards professionals. This is a mistake because our own repairs can make the issues more expensive to resolve. Another consideration is your insurance policy. If you try to tamper with the boiler in certain ways, it can completely invalidate your policy.

Know when to call in the professionals. If a problem is beyond your field of expertise, call in an emergency plumber to get the heat back on.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

The Secret to How Your Plumber is Estimating the Price of Your Job

Plumbers need to have the professional expertise required to perform a quick and accurate estimate. In the industry, it is considered good practice to provide a written estimate and to stick to this estimate. Getting it wrong can lead to a lot of embarrassment for any plumbing agency.

Customers also need to know how estimates are conducted, so they know they are getting a fair deal. This is why in this article we are going to discuss how agencies like provide their estimates.

A Visit to the Site

The fact is most plumbing jobs are easy to provide a quotation for without a visit. Most professionals will be able to give you an idea of how much they will charge for a clogged toilet or a leaky tap. They will not need to visit your home or business to figure it out.

Sometimes, it will be necessary to conduct a visit. This is because the details matter. It is not a case of looking at the symptoms of a problem and coming up with a solution. For example, a leaking tap could be indicative of a broken part or a much deeper issue. You just do not know until a thorough inspection has been conducted.

The Blueprints

Plumbing professionals are also responsible for building new plumbing systems. They will have blueprints for these jobs. A Plumbers in Glasgow will inspect these blueprints and begin listing the materials they will need to purchase and how long the job will take to finish.

Estimates and Quotes

It is not just the customer who gets an estimate. To give you an accurate quote, plumbers will go to a local supplier and get an idea of how much the materials will cost. This is not where they make their profits. The price they pay for materials is the price you will pay them for the materials. You are paying for their labour not their supplies.

Most plumbing agencies will already have deals with local suppliers, which lower their costs due to them being regular customers.

Additional Expenses

Any miscellaneous overheads will be added on to the total bill. There are many added fees they have to take into account to keep their business afloat. Some of these expenses include:

1. fuel
2. insurance
3. taxes.

Most plumbers will aim to make about a 25% profit margin. This is what they will charge for their labour costs. Everything else goes towards covering what they have to pay out to initiate the job.

Written Estimate

Responsible consumers should always look to have some form of written estimate. You do not want to receive an estimate verbally only to discover this is not the price you are charged when the job has been completed. There’s nothing you can do to prove the original quote, so you’re left with a bad taste in your mouth from having to pay more.

Always remember an estimate is an estimate and nothing more. If the cost does need to increase, due to unforeseen problems, it’s considered good practice for them notify their customer of this as soon as possible. You should the choice as to whether they continue the project.

Your Guide to Troubleshooting a Blocked Toilet

A blocked toilet is perhaps the most common plumbing-related problem in the bathroom. Plumbers are constantly being called to homes that have toilet water running across their pristine floors. The issue with dealing with a clogged toilet is you are never quite sure what the reason is for it.

In this guide, we are going to give you some insight into what you can do to troubleshoot the problem. If you do have to call in the help of a plumber in Glasgow, you will save them time by notifying them as to what you think the source of the issue is.

Precautionary Actions

There is always a danger of overflowing water. There are actions you can take to stop this from happening. Begin by taking off the lid of the toilet tank. Press down on the lever to close it,which should stop any rising water.

As an added precaution, we recommend turning off the water supply entirely. You can usually find the panel for this where you keep your gas and electric metres. Most homes tend to have everything in roughly the same location.

The next precaution you should take is to take the funnel cup plunger and rinse it under hot water for about a minute. The goal is to soften the rubber so you can better mould it over the exit hole of the toilet bowl. You do not want a particularly nasty clog to lead to the water level rising too high.

Plunging into the Problem

Add a slew of hot water from a pot. You can also help loosen the clog by adding some detergent. The detergent acts as a type of lubricant. It lubricates the pipes to provide the blockage with an easier path out of your home and into the sewerage system.

Place a plunger into the toilet bowl and make sure the cup is directly above the exit hole. Press it down and pull it up quickly. The plunger should remain in contact with the toilet at all times;otherwise,you are only going to get a splash of water hitting you in the face.

You will soon start to see little bits and pieces come up into the toilet bowl if it is just a simple blockage.

Using the Auger

So you’ve established the plunger is not getting rid of the problem. Try the auger. It’s a piece of metal used to unblock curved pipes. Place the auger cable in the hole and force it through the hole. If you feel some resistance soon afterwards, this is the clog you need to get rid of. Keep breaking up the clog. If it snags the obstruction, pull it out and this should solve the problem.

What if it Doesn’t Work?

If this does not work, you have a more serious problem, which will require the help of a professional. One of the tell-tale of this is if the water begins to back up into the shower and the sinks. This is a main line obstruction and will require the plumbing system to be taken apart, which is something a home DIYer should not attempt.

To know more about Plumbing services in Glasgow visit -

How to Unclog a Toilet Without Using a Plunger

Clogged toilets are amongst the most common plumbing problems you will experience in the home. Whether you simply do not want to pay for plumbing services in Glasgow or you believe you can solve the problem yourself, you might be tempted to attempt to deal with the issue without professional help. endorses people who can fix minor problems using common household items. In the case of a clogged toilet, you may not have a plunger available. This does not mean you cannot clear the blockage. Here is our favourite way of doing it, and by far the most successful.

Chemical Drain Cleaners

A word on the use of chemical drain unclogging agents before we begin.

These do not work. They often do not fully clear the blockage and they do a good job at eroding the pipes. No respectable plumber will find himself or herself using them. Long-term use of these chemicals will only lead to more expensive and more significant problems further down the line.

What we are going to do in this article is show you how a homemade agent can do the same job as these dangerous commercial cleaners.

What You Need

You need nothing more than detergent you would normally use for the washing up, a large pot, and some warm water. The goal of this mixture is to loosen the blockage and provide a form of lubricant to allow it to slide down the pipes and out of your home.

This will work with the majority of obstructions. Only the most serious blockages will not react to this solution.

Create the Mixture

Begin by putting some detergent into your toilet. This acts as the lubricant. You’ll only need a few squirts from the bottle. Now you need a large pot filled with water. Place it on the stove, heat it, and bring it to the boil.

Start Pouring

Take the pot of boiling water and pour it into the toilet from a height of about three feet. Any lower and the water will not fall with enough force to begin breaking up the obstruction. If you pour from too high, the water may splash so much it comes out of the toilet. You do not want this to happen because it is incredibly unhygienic.

Plumbers in Glasgow recommend pouring slowly and continuously. You should notice the contents of your toilet disappearing. In the event the blockage does clear, the water level in the toilet bowl should return to normal.

Rinse and Repeat

There are some scenarios where this will not work. Particularly large blockages may require multiple rounds of this treatment process. Keep doing it until the water returns to a normal level. If the blockage is serious, you will notice no change.

As a test, you should flush the toilet when you are finished. The flushing process will remove any residues and should return the water to a normal level. If the water does not return to normal, it means there is a blockage further down the pipes. This will require the services of a professional to step in and help.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Revealed - A Guide to the Plumbing Problems in Your Bathroom

The bathroom is one of two areas where you are likely to experience problems with plumbing. In most cases, the problem will not be anything major. Even when you have water running across your floor, it is important to not panic. You will not always have to shell out for a plumber in Glasgow to solve the problem.

In this article, we are going to go through some of the plumbing problems you will experience in your bathroom, with the help of


The clogging of a toilet or sink is perhaps the most common problem. It is rare for a clog to appear out of nowhere. Rather than this happening, you will notice water draining away slightly slower each day. Eventually, water will stop draining completely. Act before this happens to make the repair easier.

A plunger or snake can be used to remove clogs. Clogs that are more serious further down the system may require an emergency plumber in Glasgow to unscrew the pipes and remove the clog manually.

Take note, chemical drain unclogging agents should be avoided. These may or may not clear the blockage in the first place. Furthermore, even if they do they can lead to the pipes eroding away. In time, the pipes will get weaker until you start to notice holes in them. They cause more damage than they are worth.


Dripping is a relatively minor yet irritating problem. The problem with dripping is it can be a side effect of so many problems. It could be that a part has come loose and all you need to do is tighten it. It could also indicate a much deeper problem, and become the prerequisite to a major leak.

If you are not experienced in plumbing repair, it is highly recommended you call in an expert when you notice a dripping tap or toilet.


Leakages are similar to drips in that a large number of problems can cause them. Most of the time, they are not a cause of concern. It could be a case of a cracked washer in a sink, or a compression fitting that needs replacing. Leaks range from the little drips you get from a pipe all the way to the torrents of water racing across your bathroom floor.

In general, you should be looking to call in outside help. It is not uncommon to see amateur DIYers making things worse by attempting to fix a leak themselves.

Toilet Seals

Toilet seals are a major source of problems. First, you need to know more about them. There are the various points that keep the water within flushing toilets. You have five separate seal points on your average toilet. If you have an older toilet, it may be different, but most models are standardised these days.

If a seal is cracked or broken, you could find up to five gallons of water on your floor every time you flush.

In conclusion, you should react the moment you spot a problem with your bathroom. Leaving plumbing problems to fester will only result in costlier repairs in the long-term.

What to Ask Your Plumber before Hiring Them

Hiring a plumber means whipping out the phonebook and investigating which of the hundreds of professionals suit you best. It is long and time-consuming, but by asking a number of key questions, you can find the right person for you., based in Glasgow, believes there are a number of ‘must ask’ questions you should ask any plumber on any job. In this article, we go through the questions you should always find the answers to.

Do You Charge a Flat Rate?

It is important to establish immediately whether your plumbing services in Glasgow are charged by the hour or not. Every professional is different. You might have a preference for one or the other. The main goal of this question is to make sure you know what you are likely to pay before you hire them.

Will You Carry Out a Free Assessment and Offer a Free Quote?

You shouldn’t have to pay a plumber to find out how much you need to pay to get a job done. What if they come to give you a quote and charge you for the time spent forming a quote? It is not fair and it will mean you end up paying plumbers even though you have not hired them. Thankfully, most plumbers in the city are competent enough to provide comprehensive quotes over the phone.

Will You Provide a Written Quote?

This is essential. You should always have the quote/rate written down. If you don’t, there’s no evidence a plumber ever said anything about the price. This ensures the price you pay is fair and your plumber is not being unreasonable.

Can You Offer Any Written References?

You want to know your plumber has a history of doing good work. Unfortunately, you cannot take what they say at face value. Even the worst plumber in the world will not admit they cannot do their jobs correctly.

What you need is a written reference from a previous customer. The vast majority of plumbers have no issues providing written references. Reading these will give you peace of mind when hiring them.

Do You Have Insurance?

Every plumber should have public liability insurance. They are working in a public place and you do not want to have to deal with any legal repercussions if things go wrong. All plumbers should be fully insured and should have employer’s liability insurance if they have a team working with them. You should be able to see evidence of a valid insurance policy.

If they have no insurance, they should not be practicing their profession.

What about an Emergency Service?

A Plumbers in Glasgow will be able to attend to you at any hour of the day or night. You need to have this assurance in place. If something goes wrong, you cannot afford to wait until the morning. What if a pipe bursts and it is leaking water (or worse raw sewage) onto your kitchen floor? Things like this cannot wait.

You can expect to pay more for an emergency plumber, but it is important to have this type of service available to you. Most prominent plumbing agencies will have this service already available for their customers.